Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Berkeley Bowl decertification

By a vote of 99-74 employees at a San Francisco supermarket voted to decertify the UFCW. This BeyondChron article provides some inside analysis of the "why" it happened. More after the jump.
"But here's the issue that the Union must pay more attention to. From what I have heard from several Berkeley Bowl employees, the union needed a more visible role on the ground. For example, one progressive and politically experienced employee complained that when Berkeley Bowl raised the health insurance premiums that employees must pay, the union only filed a grievance.

For more visibility and effect, holding a protest rally would have been a good idea. More generally, these stores should have stewards who are actively in contact with the members, continually engaging them, asking what their concerns are and working with them to resolve the problems they have on their minds.

In short, it would be useful for unions to move from a model in which issues are too often handled within a legal framework, and frequently by experts, such as lawyers -- to a social movement model, in which union members are more vigorously encouraged to participate in shaping their day to day work lives."