Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The L-Pad is dead, long live the iPad

My career spans the demise of carbon paper, the introduction of mass copy capability,  memory typewriters, pocket calculators, computerization, voice transcription, fax machines, and cell phones. The ABA Journal has an article about Apple Computer's new iPad. The question posed is whether this technology will replace "old yeller," the omnipresent lawyer tool, the legal pad, or L-Pad. I've always admired the ability of some attorneys to keep organized notes on legal pads. I'm more of a back of envelop/post it note type of guy. But I see the iPad as unlimited envelopes and post it notes, with a search function and much, much more. Will it replace the L-pad, no, not at least until "paperless" is the legal gold standard. But I want me some iPad.