Thursday, January 7, 2010

Political suicide

Drawing on history, one former union organizer and Obama campaign staffer claims Democrats who fail to champion workers rights are doomed to electoral failure. Claiming abandonment of EFCA is political suicide for President Obama, Mike Elk supports the claim by citing Truman's 1948 election and claiming Truman's opposition to Taft-Hartley rallied workers to support him over Dewey. The piece further claims Regan's victory over Carter and the 1994 Republican revolution were permitted as a result of sitting Democratic presidents rejecting workers' rights. I don't buy this over simplistic logic. First, union density was a whole lot higher in 1948. Second, blue collar workers were significantly more likely to vote for democrats in 1948 than in 1994, or 2010. That said, if there is no passage of significant labor legislation assisting unions in their organizing efforts, labor might take a hike on the 2010 mid-terms, and that could make 2010 a lot more like 1994.